Arthouse Tacheles

Arthouse Tacheles — Retrospective

Arthouse Tacheles

The selection of photos shows a cross–section of my work at Kunsthaus Tacheles Berlin. I started to take photos of and at the
independent arthouse and project space in March 2010, shortly after I had moved from Paris to Berlin. The selection ends with
the eviction of Kunsthaus Tacheles September 4th 2012. In two and a half years of collaboration with Kunsthaus Tacheles I took
thousands of pictures trying to capture the spirit of this arthouse by following up it′s organizers, artists and supporters, visiting
studios, openings, performances and shows as well as documenting the actions and fights to save this unique place from it′s
pending eviction.
This selection of photos reflects my very personal relation to Kunsthaus Tacheles and to certain artists who became close
friends of mine over the years.

Arthouse Tacheles